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BAE Roundtable #12


Topic: Nature Restoration Law Youth Advocacy: Lessons learnt and perspectives
Date: 3.8.2024
Guest soeaker: Cristina Cipriano (GYBN)
Chairperson: Rasara Nandasena, Guéline Legouge

BAE Roundtable #11 


Topic: Nature Restoration Law Youth Advocacy: Lessons learnt and perspectives
Date: 3.8.2024
Guest soeaker: Cristina Cipriano (GYBN)
Chairperson: Rasara Nandasena, Guéline Legouge

BAE Roundtable #9


Topic: Rewilding in Europe
Date: 7.3.2024
Guest soeaker: Giulia Testa (Young European Rewilders)
Chairperson: Sophie Evers

BAE Roundtable #7

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Topic: Youth and the EU Nature Restoration Law 
Date: 15.11.2023
Guest speaker: Sophia Ulrich (YEE)
Chairperson: Nuria Gonzalez Moreno

BAE Roundtable #10


Topic: Youth Advocacy in the Nature Restoration Law storm
Date: 3.8.2024
Guest soeaker: Jakob Mohl (GCE)
Chairperson: Sophie Evers

BAE Roundtable #8

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Topic: Peatland Restoration
Date: 19.1.2024
Guest speaker: Antoine Scherer (Snowchange Cooperative)
Chairperson: Nuria Gonzalez Moreno

BAE Roundtable #6

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Topic: Ramsar Convention and inclusion of youth
Date: 19.9.2023
Guest speaker: Hugo Ferreira (Youth Engaged in Wetlands)
Chairperson: Columba Martinez Espinosa

BAE Roundtable #5

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Topic: Youth in the COP 27 in Sharm el Sheik
Date: 3.6.2023
Guest speakers: Orieny Japhet and Peter Bulimo (KEAN)
Chairperson: Brendah Oluoch

BAE Roundtable #3

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Topic: Sustainable Tourism
Date: 10.9.2022
Guest speaker: Rafail Aggelis (Greek Young Nature Friends)
Chairperson: Félix Feider

BAE Roundtable #4

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Topic: Youth in the Kumming-Montreal  GBF
Date: 3.8.2024
Guest speaker:  Esmeralda Wirtz (GYBN Europe) and Columba Martinez Espinosa (BAE)
Chairperson: Rasara Nandasena, Guéline Legouge

BAE Roundtable #2

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Topic: Support for young activists
Date: 2.7.2022
Guest speakers: Yazid and Ezekiel (The Iris Project)
Chairperson: Félix Feider

BAE Roundtable #1

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Topic:  Boreal Communities
Date: 7.5.2022
Guest speaker: Antoine Scherer (Snowchange Cooperative)
Chairperson: Félix Feider

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